During the site's active phase from July 15 through to December 31 2002, subscribers submitted junk e-mail attachments and downloads to Tristero via the Upload section. These image, sound and text files were automatically deposited into junk bins (located in the 'back end' or hidden part of the site) which could be accessed by each of the Tristero artists.
While sifting through this material, the artists could select any file, download it and use it to make an online artwork. The artist could then upload the finished work directly into the Gallery.
This appropriation of 'found' online material has obvious parallels with long-established artistic strategies - photo-montage, collage, the use of found footage, readymades, mail-art and, of course, audio sampling, re-mixing and bootlegging.
You can still see most of the works that were created by visiting the 'Gallery' section. Each artist has an introduction and background information on the work created for Tristero in 'Artists'.
You can still visit the 'junk' section to check out trends in junk e-mailing. Frequent updates were made to the Junk section of the site, which provided a kind of shopwindow for some of the material submitted to Tristero. There's also a link to documentation of the junk bins at the back end of the site which allowed unmediated access during the active phase. Tear open those digital bin-liners - nothing was shredded.